Art for Sale

The children have been busy having some Art 4 Sale on our front lawn.  I’ve snuck a few items out there myself that aren’t Art, taking advantage of the traffic that the Art was drawing.   Not lots of traffic.  Just children from the neighbourhood actually.

Laars loved to be amidst the art displays, but of course the rest of us didn’t like him too.  Here he is posing for the camera, silly boy.

Some of the canvas paintings we copied and made into cards to sell.

The neighbour girls sold lemonade and rice krispie squares one day that gave our kids the idea to sell their wares. Competition was born.  And on another day when their batch of caramel popcorn didn’t turn out well enough (or in enough abundance) to warrant selling it, they brought it over for our kids to help them consume it. Great competitors, eh?

Flowers for sale, too.  And a treasure trove of necklaces and bracelets the girls have made.

And little leather books Mitchell has crafted.

Sales weren’t great, but enough to keep the children interested.

And we had great opportunity to discuss business practices like

watching your expenditures, making fair trades, etc.

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