About Us

Welcome to Unlimited4Life’s Acrobatic Thoughts where my thoughts flip all over the place like an acrobat!!  I share mostly about our large family’s life as slow, long-term travelers but I throw in any post on any subject I damn feel like….because I can 🙂

Colorado with the wild horses

Colorado with the wild horses 2013 with Rauchelle and our 1st granddaughter visiting from OR.  Missing our eldest daughter.

My life has been magically created with one man who literally walked into my life (a friends kitchen) and gave me 9 beautiful children (over 20.5 yrs time).  We both enjoy an adventure, are always open to change (we’ve moved 25+ times in 29yrs marriage) and just keep trying and trying and trying to create the life we’ve dreamed of.

So, we’ve been learning.  And practicing.  And making it happen!

We left the Pacific coast of Canada with our youngest 7 kids (baby was 2.5mo) in 2007 for Cape Breton and have been traveling North America most of the time since then.  We’ve been spending most of our time now in Mexico since Dec 2012 and as of this writing (June 2015) we are in Jalisco State, MX.  We plan to continue south, to cross the Panama Canal and one day be in the Amazon.  But for now we are stationary.

I blog because its doesn’t take up much space (storage is prime real estate in our situation) like my previous scrapbooking hobby did.  It’s a great place to share pictures of our travels and for the big sisters, nieces, grandma’s and friends to keep abreast of what the kids are doing while they grow up.

So, let me introduce you to the members of our wonderful family.

Fashions in Guadalajara

Fashions in Guadalajara, Jalisco MX 2015

Everette (56):  My Man!!  Married him in a heart beat and still happily married nearly 30 years later!  He loves to read, do Soduko, mountain hiking, drink coffee and green tea (but not together), and eat Chinese food.  He owns/operates his own business in BC.  He’s a great father, enjoys watching the kids explore and learn new skills. He’s given a try at surfing but just doesn’t bounce back quite like in the olden days.  He is kind and extremely generous, very helpful and committed.  He is learning Spanish a bit at a time, and then imagines learning French.  He would love to visit Israel, Sweden (his ancestry) and Tonga someday, and dreams of the family sailing away into the Pacific sunset.

Chapala, Jalisco State, MX 2015

Chapala, Jalisco State, MX 2015

Karen (50): I always dreamed of traveling….the world, some exotic places like Turkey.  So far all I’ve been to is the USA, England, Mexico and Belize.  Here I am with 7 of our 9 children in tow, finally starting to travel, slow & long-term.   I have begun to realize a dream!  How cool is that?

We never set out to have 9 children, but that’s what we have and we’ve majored in girls, as you’ll see.  I’ve enjoyed homeschooling them all along, although we are really just radical unschoolers who think that life itself is pretty darn educational!  Traveling just intensifies that and makes it so much more exciting.  I hate cold wind (it hurts my ears), insect bites, grey skies and being cold.  I love to read, cuddle under my down quilt, eat chocolate & Italian or Mexican foods, soak in a hot bath with lavender essential oils, enjoy the sunshine.  I gaze at the morning sun.

Tropic of Cancer

Tropic of Cancer, Baja California Sur, MX 2013

Layne (28): is still in Canada, working as a barista & loving it at The Stick.  She enjoys traveling (been to Morocco, Spain, Scotland, USA & Mexico) reading, old movies, coffee and social media.  Her favourite flowers are dandelions and daisies (yup, the ditch flowers) but don’t smell them.  She likes them because they are cheerful and sunshiny!  Layne also doesn’t like grey skies but her fair skin doesn’t like too much sun, either.  She has her TESL and is working towards a BA in English (or maybe Geology??) hoping to travel and teach ESL in a Spanish-speaking country.  She visits us each year but wants us to move on from Mexico since she’s now been her 3 times and “everybody goes to Mexico!”  She has a SO, Dave, who doesn’t care to travel so she comes alone.

Rauchelle (27) was hiking The Appalachian Trail southbound by herself when she met a caretaker on the trail who fell for her ginger hair and her whistling abilities.  They hitched up and lived happily ever after 😉  Seth and Rauchelle got married (2012) and have added beautiful daughters, Marin and Elita.

Rauchelle enjoys most outdoor sports.  She was on Canada’s Nat’l Air Rifle Team for a few years, traveling to competitions in Whitehorse (Winter Games), Germany and Italy.  She is certified for scuba diving, loves to cycle, rock climb & hike, and now she’s learning to garden.  She’s a very attentive mother and seems to thrive having both Seth and their girls adding spice to her life.  She blogs at Simple Life Adventures and now her & Seth have an Etsy store.

Seth and Rauchelle, New Orleans, USA

Seth and Rauchelle, New Orleans, USA

Elita Heart




The rest of the kids (7) I’ve devoted separate pages to.  You can find the links down below.  I try to update occasionally and ask pertinent questions to share a bit of who they are and what they think about this crazy nomadic lifestyle their parents are dragging them on!!

Danaka (18)

Mitchell (17)

Maret (15)

Toveli (13)

Gaelyn (11)

Anders (9)

Laars (8)

Come join us on our family travels.  Enjoy our daily adventures, our learning, our bloopers.  It ain’t perfect in paradise but pretty darn close……if we can just ignore those 2 youngest boys flinging sand angrily at each other while stomping on the other person’s sandcastle, we might have Heaven on Earth!!

7 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Hello Karen, Everette, Danak, Mitchell, Maret, Tovel, Gaelyn, Anders and Laars. (I know that Layne went back to her home)

    • Hello Leslie!!! We SO enjoyed our visit with you. Hope you and Jim had a wonderful few days in San Jose del Cabo. Everette & I’ve been discussing some things you and Jim mentioned in our conversation at Starbucks. Our paths cross for a reason. Welcome aboard and hope you enjoy the blog!

I'm opinionated, friendly & chatty... I hope you are, too