2012 Baja California

2012 BC to Baja to CO

We entered Mexico early December 2012 with some friends from our life back in the Qualicum/Parksville area of Vancouver Island.  They often winter near Mulege, and offered to show us the ropes for crossing the border, getting our tourist visas, etc.  Then they went on ahead of us as we dilly-dallied our way down the peninsula.

Cabo Pulmo map


The snout of the seahorse points out Los Frailles where we parked for about 3.5 months, the bulk of our time in Mexico on this trip.

You can see that Los Frailles is just south of the Tropic of Cancer.  We actually made it to the tropics!

Here are some posts about our time on the Baja:

Fish Fry, Turtles & An Argentinian

Our Rattlesnake Adventure

Layne Visits




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